Bees-Starter/Nucleus Colony-Mite Mauler Italian

$ 215.00


We love our friendly little honey bees, and the honey that the work so hard to make. We now sell both honey and honey bees.  Always Summer Herbs is participating with other bee breeders to raise bees that do not require chemical treatments. We have been awarded 7 grants from the US Department of Agriculture, by the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Experiment (NESARE) grant program.  We are now a part of the Heartland Honey Bee Breeders Coop working with both Purdue and Penn State Universities breeding bees that bite the legs off of the varroa mites which have been plaguing them.  We believe happy hardy honeybees are the future.

Mite-mauler queens are bred from redline genetics that were selected for chewing, (see below pic of: Bob Carpenter below who started selecting redline bees for chewing back in 2015)

They tend to be lighter and produce more honey.  Honey production tends to be over 120 pounds, and overwintering in larger clusters. They are very hygienic showing brood removal when we test them using Harbo (mating mites in cell) or Buchler (pin-killed brood) assays.  Very gentle in nature, and tend to maintain larger colonies.

When picking up, please bring a pick up if possible. Or we can supply you with a special box. There is a $10 box deposit.

For directions best to use Google maps, you MUST turn right just after railroad tracks; or you can't get there from here. 724.967.1957 c if lost. 

For more details on the genetics refer to the work we did w/ the USDA SARE grant program (google FNE17-863, "Pennsylvania queen bee improvement", or "Mite Biting Behavior", and facebook: Heartland Honey Bee Breeders Coop)

Queen are available after May 15.  We prioritize nuc customers first, then sell the queens.  Your order is placed in line based on your payment date, so "First in - First out" the door.  You can pre-pay using the shopping cart below.

You can also make a deposit for your nucs using this website. 


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